Mobile Photography Tips you've never heard of

1. Start Using Gridlines to balance your shot.

One of the easiest and best ways to improve your mobile photography is to turn on the camera's Gridlines. To compose your photos according to the Rule of Thirds, you must imagine your photo divided into nine equal parts using two vertical lines and two horizontal lines.

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How to start Gridline into your Phone camera?

Android: Launch the camera app, go to “Settings,” scroll down and switch the “grid lines” option to “on.”

iPhone: open Setting app, Tap Photos & Camera, Find Gird and toggle it on. 

2. Focus on the subject.

Whenever you click a picture, don't forget to focus on your subject. If your subject is not in focus, your picture will not look good. The main attraction in your picture is your subject and the state of light, so always focus on your subject.

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3. Avoid zooming in.

Whenever u click a photo from a long distance, I suggest you to avoid zoom in. you can just click a picture without zoom in and then you can crop that Picture.

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Here is a Two Picture The First one is clicked with zoom in and the second image is clicked without zoom in and then after crop it.
Let's see the Difference
1. The second image is sharper than the first
2. Second Image is Perfectly Exposure & The First one is a little bit overexposed

4. Adjust the exposure manually.

Whenever we click Picture sometimes a picture is overexposed and sometimes the picture is underexposed Means some time picture is too dark and sometimes picture to much light to solve this problem we need to adjust the exposure manually.

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Here is a Two Picture The First one is clicked without adjusting exposure and the second image is clicked after the adjust exposure.
Zoom both images and compare your Self.

5. Use natural light.

In mobile photography, I recommend you to do not use a mobile flashlight. try to use a natural light source like sunlight.
So you might be asking, "How do I find good natural light for photography?"
The best source of natural light is either the sunrise or sunset.mornings and evenings offer the softest light as the lower sun casts softer shadows. Morning has the added advantage of being quiet.

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6. Take candids.

It is so easy to spot a fake smile or fake look, and that is the quickest way to a mediocre photograph. But a candid photo allows genuine emotion to shine through.
The family moment's photography and street photography can be the best for candid photos
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7. Don't be afraid to edit.

Sometimes no editing can be fine if your picture is really good. ... It's up to you really but sometimes a small bit of editing can help a lot. Don't go overboard with the settings because usually what you want to do is just add a bit of color or change the lighting a bit but make sure to make it still look natural.
Photo editing is also important as it helps you change the image background that otherwise looks boring. Taking good photos is quite easy but you may not be satisfied with the background,. This could be due to the many unnecessary objects or people in the background.

Here are some of the best photo editing apps I use for editing

If you need any type of help comment down below
DM me In Instagram (@sp_photostation)

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